CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ VotingAPI is a framework for content voting and rating systems in Drupal. It does not directly provide any voting 'features' to users -- instead, it offers a consistent API for other module developers to build their voting and rating systems on top of. If you're an end user who just wants to rate nodes, check out some of the modules that use VotingAPI's framework: It supports: * Rating of any content (comments, nodes, users, fish, whatever) * Multi-criteria voting (rate a game based on video, audio, and replayability) * Automatic tabulation of results (with support for different voting styles, like 'percentage' and '+1/-1') * Efficient caching of results (sorting and filtering doesn't require any recalculation) * Hooks for additional vote calculations * For a full description of the module visit: * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes visit: For more information visit: REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core. INSTALLATION ------------ * Install the Voting API module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information. CONFIGURATION ------------- 1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the module. 2. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Search and Metadata > Voting API Settings to configure Voting API settings. 3. Configure the anonymous vote rollover and the registered user vote rollover. On high-traffic sites, administrators can use the Calculation schedule setting to postpone the calculation of vote results. 4. Once the module is enabled, there is a Vote Types entity. Navigate to Administration > Structure > Vote Types to add a vote type. Save vote type. MAINTAINERS ----------- * Oleksandr Dehteruk (pifagor) - (active) * Pedro Rocha (pedrorocha) - (inactive) * Roman Zimmermann (torotil) - (inactive) * Jeff Eaton (eaton) - (inactive) SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION: ----------- * GOLEMS GABB